Today in our village, we cook traditional chicken fried recipe by using homemade ghee and country chicken meat.
We use special hand-ground masala for this recipe. The aroma of a chicken recipe is so delicious by...
In our childhood, we enjoy those moments with tasting stick ice. We call this ice "Kuchi ice". Today in our village, we made the three most giant colorful stick ice with fruits and milk. We...
Today in our village, we cook Chinese favorite chicken noodles recipe. We can eat this noodles recipe in the street food areas.
First, we prepare chicken and eggs separately, and then we cook all the...
Today in our village, we make above 1000 pieces of traditional Mysore Pak Recipe. This recipe is simple and easy recipe can cook quickly. Mysore Pak is a very famous sweet recipe across India. We...
Today in our village, we made a healthy vegetable soup recipe using colorful veggies. First, we cut all the vegetables and prepared vegetable stocks to make soup. Then we prepare a healthy soup that way.
Today in our village, we cook 500 chicken legs to make a chicken Peri Peri recipe. First, we marinate chicken legs with traditional chicken Peri Peri masala, and then we fry it in traditionally made...
Today in our village, we cook Three whole lambs in big barrels. We first marinated the lambs with traditional hand-ground masala. Then we cover it with the barrel. Finally, we made a fire around it....
Today in our village, we made orange juice using 250 kg of orange. Then we use this orange juice for cooking the sweet recipe. Cooking with oranges gives a nice flavor.
Kesari recipe is one...
Today in our village, we cook the scrambled omelette recipe with using eggs and carrots. Usually, the Omelette recipe is one of the breakfast recipe, but we made it for full meals heaven.
We add...
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