Reacting to ANARC Smartwatch Reviews !

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  1. Bro covering up the criticism won't work for long. I just bought it for your efforts but you have to realise.
    Its is not at all worth at this price point!
    Covering the criticism can make you give few crores of sales but for how long…

  2. People without watching full video, critisizing shlok that he is defedning.. At the end he talked about all isuues and updates.. We Indians just want to hate our brand either Mahindra, Tata, Layers etc..

  3. Was seeing that gupta guy video & his compilation kind of reaction video came in suggestion damn this guy is a pure scammer that smugness in his face and the nonchalant attitude just irked me. This kind of narcissistic attitude isn't going to get him anywhere sooner or later everyone will dismiss him and his product once and for all

  4. Beat xp NUKE में भाई wairliss चार्ज दिया है । Amoled display, mettel body, 😅😅😅😅
    मैने तो 899 में लिया था😂😂


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