7 Mysterious Tech in Indian Temples !


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Time Stamps
00:00 Introduction
01:01 Modern Tech
01:54 Barabar Caves
02:58 SunTemple
03:45 Musical Pillars
05:38 Tallest Temple
06:42 Secret Temple
07:44 Kanyakumari Diamond
08:27 Rameshwaram Kund
09:02 Infinity Kund
09:22 World’s first telescope
09:36 Floating Pillar
10:31 Antenna Temple
11:25 Rotating Pillars

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Cheers. Tech Burner 🙂



  1. "Such a well-researched and beautifully presented video! Indian temples have so much heritage, and this captures it perfectly."

    "Loved the depth of information in this video. Our temples are a testament to India's glorious past!"

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