CHICKEN OMELETTE | Huge Eggs With Chicken Meat | Protein Rich Omelette Recipe Cooking Village

Today in our village, we cook a huge quantity of delicious omelette with chicken meat. We use raw cooked chicken meat that contains healthy protein.

We cook the chicken egg omelette with traditionally made gingelly oil so this omelette recipe gets a traditional taste!
Welcome to you thank you Thank you Foreign Foreign Oh My God happy birthday thank you foreign I am thank you foreign Foreign Productive [Laughter] thank you all about that is wonderful Foreign Building out there



  1. مذهل. مشابه لاكل البنكال لذيذ جدا عندما كنت اعمل معاهم ادمنت على طعامهم وخاصة الرز واللحم يطبخونه بطريقة مذهله.
    ترجم كما نترجم😂❤

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