KABULI PULAO | Afghani Biryani Style Rice | Afghanistan Special Recipe Cooking In Indian Village

In this video, we bring the delicious and traditional Kabuli Pulao, a special rice dish from Afghanistan, cooked in our Indian village style. This flavorful pulao is made with fragrant basmati rice, tender meat, sweet carrots, and raisins, giving it a perfect balance of sweetness and spices.

Watch as we prepare this Afghani biryani-style rice using natural village cooking methods over a firewood stove. This is a must-try recipe for all pulao and biryani lovers!

We follow our traditional village cooking style using fresh ingredients and firewood. The result is an authentic, mouthwatering dish that you can easily try at home!



  1. உங்களுடைய சமையல் எல்லாமே செம சூப்பரா இருக்கு உங்களுடைய வீடியோ எல்லாமே எங்க பசங்க பாப்பாங்க உங்க வீடியோவை பார்த்துட்டு தான் என் பசங்க தூங்குவாங்க

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