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Lets Talk About ANARC !


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  1. some people in Indian tech community are so awful.
    Even if it's scripted or controlled by a PR team, he publicly gave his word, knowing the outcome if he doesn't follow through. You guys wanted an apology, and he apologized. What more do you want? To take down his company? Yes, he made some big mistakes, but if he's learning from them, what's the problem? Fixing software issues isn’t easy—it’s not something that can be resolved overnight. Remember, every company, no matter how big, has its own past failures. No one would want to make their company look bad or cause it any loss; that's why they will try to find the best possible solution.

  2. How come stainless steel gets rust??? Stainless steel is an alloy which is used to prevent rust. It can rust in moisture but oir hand doesn't have so much rust. Again this guy is lying.😂😂


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