TURKEY FRY | Vaan Kozhi Varuval | Traditional Village Style Turkey Fry Recipe | Vaan Kozhi Uppu Kari

Today, in our village, we cook spicy turkey fry recipe using the traditional method. We cook village-style turkey recipe using fewer ingredients, mainly shallots, dried chili, cold-pressed gingelly oil, and more.

We call this recipe Vaan Kozhi Uppu Kari, Vaan Kozhi Varuval.

The taste is spicy.



  1. உங்கள பத்தி வள்ளலார் சேனல்ல போய் பாருங்க தளபதி😂😂😂😂 பெருவெளிரகசியம் சேனல்லே எலெ எக்கு முக்கு

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